Court Denies Challenge to Organic Grower Group Certification

On September 30, the United States District Court for the District of Oregon ruled against a pending legal challenge to organic “grower group” certification, a longstanding practice codified in recent updates to the organic standards. The federal district court held that the plaintiff, a U.S. organic hazelnut grower, had failed to show how the lawful application of USDA’s grower group certification rule had injured his business and thus lacked standing.

Earlier this year, led by Center for Food Safety, multiple NOC members and organic colleagues filed an amicus brief in support of grower group certification. The “grower group” organic farming certification system has been in operation for decades and is widely recognized internationally, enabling millions of low-income small farmers around the world to grow organically certified crops, which would otherwise not be financially or logistically viable.

“Grower group certification has always been a crucial part of the organic standard,” said George Kimbrell, Legal Director of amici Center for Food Safety and amici counsel in the case. “Today’s decision protecting it is a vital victory for organic farmers, stakeholders, and consumers.”

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